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Our Services

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Childcare Services

Childcare Services

Sigmund tjxotqtur8o unsplash
After-School Program

After-School Program

Ana klipper t4b jcuofvy unsplash
Child Development Center

Child Development Center

    Childcare is our passion. We'll ensure that your children will be in a safe, comfortable, stimulating, fun, and educational environment where they can develop amongst their peers. We provide structured playtime and meals for each child.

    Riverside Kidz Academy in Lawrenceville, GA is a nursery school that puts your child's well-being and healthy development first. Call our childcare center today to learn more about our services.

    We are Quality Rated!

Markus spiske ifcloi6pyoa unsplash
Mieke campbell cbrqehntjwy unsplash

We cater to each child and their special needs. Call us today to speak with a child care specialist.

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